Pay-off: become more comfortable selling
Investment: 40 seconds
To anyone who is uncomfortable selling themselves:
You’re smart
You’re not pushy
You’re good at your job
You want to help
You’re a problem solver
You’re a good person
You’re professional
You’re reliable
You’re organised
You’re trustworthy
You’re honest
You care
And you’re glad you’re at the other end of the scale to the pushy self-serving stereotypical sales person.
Maybe, just maybe then, you’re exactly what clients want?
Maybe you, just by being yourself, have the unique edge over other people selling to them?
Maybe they’re ready to pay someone for help, but they don’t know you exist because you’ve been busy keeping your head down?
Maybe they’re genuinely keen to talk to you and they’re just waiting to become more familiar with you?
Maybe something surprisingly rewarding could happen if you let them know you’re open to talking too? You know…if they think it might be useful?
If you or your team need help to learn a comfortable and reliable way to engage clients and develop business with them, click here.
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