
Great minds

…don’t think alike. They challenge each other to think again. Intellectual chemistry occurs not when you both agree but when you enjoy disagreeing and then work together to get it right rather than be right. “Even if I don’t like it, what parts of what they’re saying could be right? And in which situations?” is […]

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Think again

Most people you interact with invest heavily in the first thoughts that come to them. That’s it. In the moment, live, in real time, or when under pressure, they think of the first thing that enters their head….and then they back it. They go with it. They believe it. And then they double down on

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How to decide

One (of many) useful ways of making a decision is to ask yourself and write the answers to: 1. What’s important about this outcome? 2. What else? (Ask 3-5 times) 3. Of those listed, what’s THE most important? The least negotiable? 4. If you get that thing, what will it ultimately do for you? 5.

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What you should do next

Next, you should do the thing that’s stopping you from doing the next thing. What’s the next thing you really should be doing? The thing that’ll make the most impact on your life, and preferably make tomorrow easier or better? What’s stopping you from getting that done? Attend to that right now.

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2 things that maximise value

There are two types of value: I rhymed them intentionally to help recall, because they’re worth recalling. If you just provide the value people request, you’re leaving an awful lot of value on the table. Because all of us can only see so far. You provide more value and become more valuable when you also

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True value and true cost

True value In my work helping businesses to sell, I define true value as “the precise optimal mix of services or products that your entire business can provide your customers business, such that they’d be better off than they would be by keeping their investment.” It’s an ideal to aim for, and it involves the

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You are responsible.

You are responsible. Whether you like it or not. And whether you accept it or not. Not for what you were born into, or your upbringing, or for some of what life puts on you. But you are responsible for your: And these, combined with execution, time, timing, and circumstances create outcomes. Which could be

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A quick way to improve sales

  Sign up to monthly posts here A mixed bag of thoughts this month to help you improve sales: The first (a 30 second read) looks at why you, no matter who you are should invest some attention towards improving how you ‘sell’. The second (a 50 second read) looks at a really bad but

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