essential skills

Learn like lightning

“Pie. I wish I could determine pi, ‘Eureka’ cried the great inventor” Time someone learning the number pi fluently to 11 decimal places. How long would they take? 10 minutes? Longer? To get it accurate? That’s 14 digits. Takes some effort. Time yourself repeating the title (Pie.) and first two lines of the poem above, […]

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What you should do next

Next, you should do the thing that’s stopping you from doing the next thing. What’s the next thing you really should be doing? The thing that’ll make the most impact on your life, and preferably make tomorrow easier or better? What’s stopping you from getting that done? Attend to that right now.

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2 things that maximise value

There are two types of value: I rhymed them intentionally to help recall, because they’re worth recalling. If you just provide the value people request, you’re leaving an awful lot of value on the table. Because all of us can only see so far. You provide more value and become more valuable when you also

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This sort of person is going places

I’m often asked by clients which of their current employees should be selling or engaging customers. There are numerous traits that suggest someone could ‘sell’, or be a strong leader (because the two roles are similar). But I’ve boiled down my top three: 1. They have strong ‘belief in cause’ 2. They’re credible in front

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You are responsible.

You are responsible. Whether you like it or not. And whether you accept it or not. Not for what you were born into, or your upbringing, or for some of what life puts on you. But you are responsible for your: And these, combined with execution, time, timing, and circumstances create outcomes. Which could be

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How to sell to smart people

How to sell to smart people

Pay-off: Pick someone smart you need a ‘yes’ from. Follow the advice below and you’ll increase your chancesInvestment: 5 mins. Sign up to monthly posts here You’re reading this because you sometimes have to persuade or sell to smart people. And you’re reading this because you’re smart enough to care about getting it right. Right?

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